All things FALL!


Hey Everyone!!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! I wanted to share a few things why I just LOVE fall!

I feel like this time of year things start to wind down most of the weddings and summer events are over and we haven’t quite started the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season. (Thank God!)

I could sit in front of a bon fire all night with a nice cold beverage in hand (or warm hot cider / coca). Making s’mores for my friends, family and kids! Wearing a sweat shirt and some blue jeans soaking up that crisp autumn air!  We’ve had a few bon fires this fall so far and it seems like its getting colder quick so we hope to squeeze a few more in before the snow flies. (yuck snow)



I love everything fall! This picture sums it up well – plus more! Hay rack rides on the family farm, with a caramel apple bar. Cozying up on the coach in my PJ’s and blankets with the kids watching Sunday Football. Ali always asks to watch other things on Sunday and our response – on Sundays we watch Football. She really does like to watch and yell touchdown – no matter which team gets to the end zone 🙂


I love love love this idea of making a ‘Fall Bucket List’ I’ll have to add this on the list of ‘to dos’ for next year! I found this on Livecreative101 blog, check her out! DSC0047

My all time favorite part about fall is HALLOWEEN I think I get that from my mother 🙂 I love to decorate, the smells of fall in the air, and dressing up! I once had a Halloween themcute-happy-halloween-graphics-3ed grad party! In college I would have a Halloween party every year. Now it seems as if we are invited to so many its easier to go out and enjoy ourselves than to stress about throwing our own.  This year we are excited for a kids / adult party. We are headed to a friends home to watch kids movies on the jumbo screen while we can enjoy some adult time as well! Yes we are all dressing up to – our theme this year?? Monsters Inc!!  Check back here next week to see our costumes – most of them made by yours truly.

Can’t wait to enjoy the weekend festivities Halloween, Trick – or – Treating and enjoying some great family time!

Enjoy the fall weather while you can!

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