Halloween 2015 for the Kunze’s

Hey all!

Well Halloween weekend has come and gone. Now I have a whole IMG_1106year to think of what us and the munchkins will be for Halloween next year! 🙂 As you all know from reading my previous post I LOVE Halloween. I wanted to share what we did this weekend and our fun costumes!

Halloween week was a busy one for us! Josh was working 10 hour days and since his commute is an hour each way he was out of the house 12 hours a day!  I had costumes to finish up and parties to get ready for!

Each night after work I was able to get a little done on everyone’s costume and it all came together by the end of the week. We did Monster’s Inc. theme. I made all of our costumes except for Jacob’s it was just easier to purchase his. It was quite a bit of work but way cheaper than what it would have been to buy or rent them!

We carved pumpkins, watched Monsters Inc, partied, trick-or-treated and finished the weekend with our tradition of sugar cookie baking! IMG_0987

Ali had a lot more fun this year carving pumpkins. Last year she cried the whole time as she was grossed out. We gave her a little  cheese spreader knife and let her ‘help’ this year. She loved it!

We had a fun party on Friday night to go to! We enjoyed time with our friends and meeting new people! It was great they played a movie on the big projector for the kids to  watch while they adults enjoyed their time together!IMG_1020

We took some Halloween puppy chow. It was normal puppy chow with Reese’s Pieces, and mini peanut butter cups! We also brought our famous guacacmole and chips to share on a fun Halloween platter!


Trick-or-treating this year was the most fun we’ve had in a while! Ali IMG_1073is just old enough to understand the concept and loved going to each house with hIMG_1062er cousins and friends. Her brother Jake was a bit young to do the candy part and fell asleep part of the way through. It was such a beautiful night to go trick-or-treating with the kids! Sometimes you IMG_1070never know when it comes to Iowa weather. We are very lucky to live in a small and close community. We know most the people in town and a good majority of them are family!

We were even lucky enough to get a great pic of the cousins!


We ended the weekend with Church with the family while Josh hunted (he goes bow hunting). It was Grandmas 82nd birthday on the 2nd so a lot IMG_1117of the family came up for church and lunch at her house. Ali and I enjoyIMG_1116ed a nice day at home Sunday afternoon baking sugar cookies. They were supposed to get done earlier in the week but better late than never! Her favorite part is smashing the dough down!

Now to spend this week recouping and putting away the Halloween decorations to get ready for Thanksgiving.

Have a happy week everyone!

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