Apples Festival! 

Crossing things of my Fall Bucket List

The family including my Mom took a trip up to Gays Mills Apple Fetival. It was a lot of fun! 

The kids enjoyed apple picking and eating! 

They also went through a petting zoo that let them feed goats, horses, and pigs! They also had dogs, baby kitties and a baby calf to pet.

 We enjoyed the sites and came back home with tons of goodies! Juice to make apple wine, apple syrup, corn salsa, pop corn, honey, kettle corn and apples of course! 

Over all the kids and us had a great day! They had their moments and fits but that happens when you miss nap time! 

What fun fall things did you do this weekend! I hope you got out to enjoy the weather! 

Xoxo – Christy
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