Happiness is… A fresh new haircut

We finally did it! The kids got their first hair cuts ever this evening. Ali being a girl I was fine waiting longer but her hair looks so much thicker now and healthier! Jake just needed a little trim before we do 1 year pictures this weekend. 

It was bittersweet getting their hair cuts. They needed them in the worst way- however it means they are growing up ever more! 😟

Jake went first and was a CHAMP! He sat in daddy’s lap and barely moved we even got some smiles out of him!  


 I didn’t get a very good final cut of him but it looks great!   

Ali also did great! She was scare a little at first but our hair dresser did great warming her up! She let her pick the color of comb and sit in the big girl booster and even were the penguins cape and everything. She did so great she even let her curl her hair at the end! Ali reminded us how good she did and asked for her sucker at the end – since she did so well!! 

We of course save some clippings for both kids and they’ll go in the baby book!! 

God Bless – Christy

Taking the leap – our story


Hey all – as I type this I’m not sure who I’m talking to. I know I don’t have any ‘followers’ yet or know if I’ll get any at all. However I’ve wanted to do a blog for a while now and even started one with my cousins / sister a few years back. We had one post and it was anonymous. So that made it kind of difficult to spread the word.  So I do want to say thanks to my friend Heath Tracy for the inspiration to start my blog! You can check his out here  https://heathtracy.wordpress.com/author/heathtracy/   read it / follow it / love it 🙂

To start just a little about me. I’m a mother of two (Ali, 2.5 and Jake 7 months). I have a wonderful husband Josh and an old grumpy dog Wrigley – yes we are Cubs fans and yes we hope they win the World Series. I have a weird writing style so either you like it or don’t.  Thank God there is spell check 🙂 Speaking of God  – yep I’m going there – I was born and raised Catholic – so with that in mind I’m not here for any judgements of any kind, that’s not your job, (the judging part).

So back to my wonderful husband – any one watch Wheel of Fortune and see how everyone always talks about how ‘wonderful’ or ‘amazing’ their husbands / kids / wives etc?  what if someone came out and said I have a lazy husband and 3 little sh*ts that make me wait on them hand and foot.. hehe I think that would be great.  No really though I have an amazing and wonderful husband. I really found a good catch! He loves me unconditionally – I can get a little coco for coco puffs sometimes. And he does a lot – I mean A LOT – around the house. Helps with the kids, like I feel every husband and good Dad should, cooks, cleans etc. etc.  He’s not perfect but who is? We’ve been together 8 years and married 5 of those years.

Josh and I weren’t sure if we could have kids. We talked about waiting a few years to have kids but once we were married its like we had baby fever and decided to try for a baby. Well several years later after lots of tears, fights and struggles with infertility, which I’ll share in a different post, in March of 2013 our little Ali came along. Shes quite the spit fire – just like me I hear. 🙂 So basically I’m going to have my hands full when shes a teenager. Then just 2 short years later we were blessed with Mr. Jake who is a huge momma’s boy and lights our world just as much as Alice does.

Our lives stay very busy with work, kids, family and more. I’ll keep this first blog short and sweet and look forward to sharing our world with you – whoever you are at this point.

Please comment / share etc. I wouldn’t mind the publicity- gives me the courage and keeps me accountable to continue writing these.