Cauliflower Fried Rice

We are always looking for an alternative when it comes to our old


favorite carb filled recipes. Thumbing through Pinterest I got the idea of cauliflower fried rice.

How hard could it be I thought! I knew the basics when it came to regular fried rice so I gave it a try myself.


  • 1 Head of cauliflower (chopped)
  • 1-2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 1/2 cup frozen peas / carrots (our bag also had beans)
  • 1 small chopped onion (white or yellow)
  • 3 table spoons low sodium soy sauce
  • handful of mushrooms (chopped)
  • green pepper (chopped)
  • 2-4 eggs (Scrambled)
  • Chopped green onion (my all time favorite topping!)
  • Salt / pepper to taste

To make:

Add chopped cauliflower to blender or food processor. Our ninja did the trick! I did do it in sections and added it all to a bowl to add to my skillet later. Chop all other ingredients (onion, mushrooms, green pepper, green onion). You can really add any veggie you want to make it your own. Set green onions to the side to add as a topping at the end.

Warm skillet add olive oil, add onions / mushrooms / frozen veggies (any other veggies you wish to add, add seasoning (salt / pepper etc.), cook until tender. Move all ingredients to the side of pan. Mix eggs and add to open area on skillet cook as you would normal scrambled eggs. Mix w/ veggies after cooked. Add cauliflower to the skillet mix all together. While cooking cauliflower add soy sauce – to taste.

Serve and top w/ green onion – yum yum! This was a hit in our house that night!  Next time I will serve with chicken to add more substance (and add green pepper which I already added to the recipe above.) Both the 3 year old and 1 year old ate it up and had seconds! They made quite the mess, see here.